Sunday, November 18, 2012

Literature Circles

In Language Arts, we have been working on Literature Circles. We are beginning by reading two novels as a class before breaking off into small groups with self selected novel. The jobs that we have practiced are:

Word Wizard
Discussion Director
Story Connector
Real-Life Connector

The first novel we read was Stuart Little by E.B. White. After reading, students (you all) created posters to depict a scene from the novel not already illustrated in the book.

Illustration by D. D.

Currently, we are reading Because of Winn-Dixie. After we are done reading this novel as a class, you will be divided into groups, and get to select which novel your group wants to read. 

Are there any jobs you think we can add to our list of tasks? 
What did you think of Stuart Little?
What do you think of Because of Winn-Dixie so far?
Are you excited about Literature Circles and getting to pick your group's novel?

Comment below and remember to leave your initials, so I can give you credit for commenting.

Risky Behaviors

Daredevil sky-diver Felix Baumgartner

Our current unit this quarter in Language Arts is called "Risky Behaviors". We have been looking at people that choose to take risks either because of their work or for their entertainment. We have read about mountain climbing, being an astronaut, BMX rider, or skateboarder, whale watching, and a variety of other behaviors that require folks to take risks.

But we also take risks everyday without having to have some crazy job or practicing an extreme sport. Sometimes just stepping outside our front door requires us to take a number of risks. We weigh the costs and benefits, and decide how to respond. For example, I might get run over by a car on my way to work, but if I don't take a risk and walk to work then I won't be able to make a living and support my family. My students might laugh at me when I start talking in class, but if I don't take a risk and start talking in front of all of them then they won't really learn much.

Think about the risks you take on a regular basis, or have taken in the past. In the comments section below, leave a comment describing a risk you have taken. What were the costs and benefits of those risks?

Remember to write your initials after your comment, so I know who to give credit for the comment.

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Ellis Island 1902
This week we will begin to read and conduct research about immigration. In particular, we will focus on immigration to the United States during 1850-1930. Below is a list of websites you can go to in order to conduct your own research and explore on your own. Let me know what you think about these websites and what you learn. Also if you find any other websites you think are interesting, please post them in the comments section.

We will work on immigration for about four weeks.


Mulberry Street, New York City 1900

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Non-Fiction Texts

Last week, we looked at different fiction texts and genres. This week in class we will be looking at non-fiction books and materials.

Non-Fiction vs. Fiction

Non-Fiction vs Fiction Practice

Topics we will discuss are biographies, autobiographies, historical and scientific informational texts, manuals, instructions, how-to guides, journalism, diaries, letters, and photographs. Think of non-fiction books you have read, or of topics for which you would like to read more non-fiction texts about.

In the comments section, write about a non-fiction book you have read. Include a short summary along with the title and author of the book.

Or write about a topic you would like to read more about. Explain why you would like to read more about that topic, and which types of materials would you need to read to get the information.

Monday, March 26, 2012


My classroom is a technology classroom in the media center with grades kindergarten through fifth grade. My school is predominately Latino with most students coming from Mexican or Mexican American families. But some students' families also come from places like Ecuador, Honduras, Puerto Rico, Wherever applicable, I will attempt to translate the information for them because I want them to use the site as well. 

Welcome to Mr. Frausto's classroom blog. 

Here I will post writing assignments and topics for you to respond to. Hopefully, the posts will become an interactive and digital space for the classroom where all of us can share our ideas and our thinking.
I hope you are all as excited as I am about this because now we exist on the internet.

Bienvenidos al blog del salón de Mr. Frausto.

Aquí pondré tareas de escritura y temas para que respondan. Esperemos que los mensajes se conviertan en un espacio interactivo y digital para el salón donde todos podremos compartir nuestras ideas y nuestra manera de pensar.
Espero que estén todos tan entusiasmados como lo estoy yo acerca de esto porque ahora existimos en internet.