Sunday, April 22, 2012


Ellis Island 1902
This week we will begin to read and conduct research about immigration. In particular, we will focus on immigration to the United States during 1850-1930. Below is a list of websites you can go to in order to conduct your own research and explore on your own. Let me know what you think about these websites and what you learn. Also if you find any other websites you think are interesting, please post them in the comments section.

We will work on immigration for about four weeks.


Mulberry Street, New York City 1900

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Non-Fiction Texts

Last week, we looked at different fiction texts and genres. This week in class we will be looking at non-fiction books and materials.

Non-Fiction vs. Fiction

Non-Fiction vs Fiction Practice

Topics we will discuss are biographies, autobiographies, historical and scientific informational texts, manuals, instructions, how-to guides, journalism, diaries, letters, and photographs. Think of non-fiction books you have read, or of topics for which you would like to read more non-fiction texts about.

In the comments section, write about a non-fiction book you have read. Include a short summary along with the title and author of the book.

Or write about a topic you would like to read more about. Explain why you would like to read more about that topic, and which types of materials would you need to read to get the information.